A Few Period Movies.
Little behind, but a few blurbs. Watched Much Ado About Nothing (Beckinsale). So far, the amount of people I have recognized in this Shakespeare adaption has been astounding. Kate B, whom I knew would be in it. Riding up I see OMG is that WILSON?? Then Keanu? Denzel? and I recognize a few more I cannot name... Omg... Michael Keaton??? Wilson, from House and portrayed by Robert Sean Leonard, makes quite a good looking Shakespearean. I'm amused to see this play for the first time here (I know, I know, ME? Unfarmiliar with a Shakespeare?) It is a bit Cyrano, a bit Romeo and Juliet (why always with the Pretending to be Dead!), and all wonderful. Loved it! 5/5 Watched The Madness of King George . Terrifying to see how bleak medicine was, and yet funny to see that the dismissed evacuate was seemingly such a telling key the whole time! Very good flick. 4/5. Also, in the past few days, -HYACINTH MACAW! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! -Got my three other Nest raptor hatchlings (plus a few ...