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Level 10! Completed a Quest for 350 pts! Functional
Completed a Quest for 100 pts! As Seen On TV!
Tracked a workout for 606 pts Jumping Jacks: 35 jumping jacks (+13 pts) 59 jumping jacks (+23 pts) 61 jumping jacks (+23 pts)1 min sets. Set 1: Thou shalt not jack without a sports bra. Ow. Body Weight Squat: 14 reps (+11 pts) 15 reps (+12 pts) 16 reps (+13 pts) 1 min sets Burpee: 20 reps (+58 pts) 20 reps (+58 pts) 20 reps (+58 pts) 30 reps (+87 pts) 10 reps (+29 pts) 1 min sets. Last two sets: after ellip I noticed I'm only 40 burpees from a quest. Oh yea, I can do that. General Yoga: 0:01:00 (+5 pts) 0:01:00 (+5 pts) 0:01:00 (+5 pts) Sun salutations, 1 min set (between burpee sets). Dumbbell Bicep Curl: 8 lb x 10 reps (+32 pts) 5 lb x 10 reps (+31 pts) 8 lb x 10 reps (+32 pts) 8 seems too heavy, too light. I'll stick with 8 til it's not heavy anymore. Elliptical Trainer: 0:05:00 || Moderate (+37 pts) .38mi. Got dizzy. Made it to 5 minutes. Dehydrated? Crunch: 15 reps (+9 pts) 15 reps (+9 pts) Plank: 30 sec (+13 pts) Bicycle (abs): 20 reps (+10 pts) Body Weight Lunge: 15 reps (+24 pts) Those kind of hurt my knee, wonder if I'm doing them wrong or if I'm just weak. Push-Up: 5 reps (+9 pts) |
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