091230 GYM?! More like... RUN?!
2mi avg 6.2 hr? *1
Lat pulldown 40 3/8
Hammer curls 5lb 3/8
low back ext 2/8 *2
dips (65assist) 2/8 1/8neg *3
Lat pulldown 40 3/8
Hammer curls 5lb 3/8
low back ext 2/8 *2
dips (65assist) 2/8 1/8neg *3
*1 I actually ran. Hubby told me I could do 2, when I was goin to "try 1". No HR though, because the machine wouldn't read it. Screw the GPS at 13.1, I want the HR monitor. Silly, cause you use it to keep your cardio on point. I just want it cause its another gadget :D
*2 Just did 2 low back extensions. I think the lat pulldowns were enough.
*3 I hate dips. Stopped doing them for the longest time. Had to do negatives for the last set, and almost wussed out on that!
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