Merry Christmas Mates!
A Pirate's Night Before Christmas by Bob Eldridge 'Twas the night 'afore Christmas and all cross the deck, only helmsman was stirring, making sure we don't wreck. Empty chests lay by each seaman's night rapture, in hopes they'd be filled by another rich capture. The crew were all groggy and snug in their bunks, dreaming of booty to fill their sea trunks. As Captain, I too wished for something to steal, just forty winks 'fore my turn at the wheel when just off my port bow I heard such a splash, straight to the porthole I flew in a flash, clutching saber and pistol and lit cannon match, I raced up the gangway, threw open the hatch. Full moon and clear sky lit up the bright sea, still I couldn't believe what I spied before me. Come aside was a skiff what had struck her red sails, she was heaving to, towed by eight tiny whales! With a little old skipper so lively and quick, I knew straight away it was Captain Nick! At some twenty knots his fishes they cam...