090730 Ill, gym
Got through
• 1/20 5lb-e Dumbbell Squat Shoulderpresses and
• 1/10 5lb-e Dumbbell Rear Lunge &Bicep Curls
before my quads felt like bricks. I spent the rest of our time there on the stairs: dizzy & trying not to feel vomitous. Got home, tried to play some XBox w/Hubby, til he put me to bed for an hour. I didn't really sleep, just drifted. I think I was under for about 10-15m. We watched a movie & slept.
Today I feel so much better. Still under the weather, but its a drizzle instead of a downpour. Took the gym easy, but wanted to do SOMETHING to make up for yesterday.
• 30m intervals on the RecBik. AvgRpm-83. AvgHR-140.
• 21:00 1mi (walk) on Tread. *2.7mph. Inc-1.0.
I DID find out what the 26yoFemale Army PFT is:
-46pu 80su 15:36,2mRun (max pts 300).
-13pu 43su 20:36,2mRun (min pts, Basic Training 150.)
-17pu 50su 19:36,2mRun (min pts Army 180.)
~WeyrCat's Treo
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