Review: Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation
Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation by Bill Nye My rating: 5 of 5 stars Let's get it out of the way: Nye missed a HUGE opportunity when he didn't call it "UndeNYEable". I read the audiobook version, because once I knew Nye was orating it, how could I not? He puts the same energy into this book that he did the shows I loved and grew up on, though the tone is a little more sobered, considering the different age of the audience. Still very witty and engaging! I'm sure the paper version is too, but have to admit that the paper version will probably be better for those who are familiar with the way he speaks, because they'll be able to read it in his voice with more of the inflections that make it Nye. I cannot pretend to be an unbiased reader in this case. I have a signed portrait of Nye on my desk, still mourn the day I couldn't drive the few hours to see him speak at a nearby university, and my husband points out to visit...