Star Trek Diplomas: All of them. I think.
So... StarTrek.Com has released a Starfleet Academy Diploma. I wanted to see if the design was supported by canon (because I'm a huge fact-check nerd) and in my quest collected what I think to be all the diploma designs officially used on the show. I'm still looking though, so if you find one I don't have here, please leave a comment! Confirmed authentic : Voyager epi "Non Sequitur". It appears to be the first time a diploma had been shown, if rabid Trekkers diligently duplicating it is any indication. If you register at the LCARSc site, you can download a free template to make your own! (ref: ) Confirmed authentic: Enterprise : "Storm Front, Part II" Earlier in storyline, later in established canon. Found via Official StarTrek.Com diploma (Released 2012): I can't find any epi screenshot t...