Woke up, let Rook out, screamed out of the house. Its not that I need Hubby to wake me, its that I have so little motivation when he's in the field. Did clean the house a wee bit yesterday, and will more after school. Good LORD than man leaves a mess the weekend before the field. "Full sink & an empty fridge." :P Micro Lab was.. Uneventful enough to annoy me. My first foray into Gram Staining resulted in much Pink, not much purple, and the friggin prof won't even tell me what I did incorrectly because I failed to complete the superflous step of drawing a sharpie circle on the slide before placing it on the scope. -I showed you the bacteria... So.. What's wrong with it? Do you really need the circle that bad? Then WHY didn't we have one in the previous weeks? -Doesn't matter: we'll just let me go uneducated over one damned sharpie mark. 1015 So.. Those of us who woke up @6am, had breakfast, &want lunch can't even order it til after 1030. W.....