090219 Gym: Legs & BikCardio

As my hand is broken, I'm rockin..

-Cardio RecBik 30m Res3 AvgHR140 AvgRPM92 Dis7.20 Cal200
-VSquat Base54lb 3/15
-Abductor 4/20 Base?+45lb
-Adductor 4/20 Base?+45lb (more!)
-Iso-lateral legcurl 2+10e 15/10/10 owie. :)
-LowBackExt 3/10
-Walk 5?m, waitin on Hubby :P

Neat: Got there before the boys, & they were gone before I was done working out. Either the broken-hand girl is hardcore or those guys are pansies!

Pix above are Prepping Cast, Starting Cast, and completed cast. More on it when I'm conscious.

~From WeyrCat's Treo


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