081230 FitBlog +3.5mi
FitSum : Run3.5m 35:26 avg5.7mph. Yoga10m. QS 250 GS250 CR250 Ke 250 Pu2 So I've finally decided to use the Blogger to post my own little FitBlog . Those who (assuming I get readers) want to poke through my life but not cryptic stuff like: GS50 LR3mi 33:29 AvgHR 148... Well now they don't have to. I've been horribly lazy lately. Not good, as I'm nearing the end of my 5K Program goal, and JUST starting the President's Activity Challenge. The urge to BackDate it just to hurry up and get the Badge is ridiculous! We ended up skipping my 2.5m the other day. I had a 12hr, and my legs have been killing me since I started running regularly again. They were ok Plateaued at 2mi on the Tread, but that 3m road tried to kill me. Doesn't make sense cause the 5k I did a few weeks ago went awesome! So, tonight 3.5 tread at Pope after work. Easy day, so rockin the muscle contractions. even did 10min Yoga when I woke up. Oh yea! Yesterday I started wearin the Pedometer again ...