
Showing posts from December, 2008

081230 FitBlog +3.5mi

FitSum : Run3.5m 35:26 avg5.7mph. Yoga10m. QS 250 GS250 CR250 Ke 250 Pu2 So I've finally decided to use the Blogger to post my own little FitBlog . Those who (assuming I get readers) want to poke through my life but not cryptic stuff like: GS50 LR3mi 33:29 AvgHR 148... Well now they don't have to. I've been horribly lazy lately. Not good, as I'm nearing the end of my 5K Program goal, and JUST starting the President's Activity Challenge. The urge to BackDate it just to hurry up and get the Badge is ridiculous! We ended up skipping my 2.5m the other day. I had a 12hr, and my legs have been killing me since I started running regularly again. They were ok Plateaued at 2mi on the Tread, but that 3m road tried to kill me. Doesn't make sense cause the 5k I did a few weeks ago went awesome! So, tonight 3.5 tread at Pope after work. Easy day, so rockin the muscle contractions. even did 10min Yoga when I woke up. Oh yea! Yesterday I started wearin the Pedometer again ...

Test WoW List


081213 '87 Camaro / Mustang

A guy came up to the ACP in a red Camaro. I looked at it and thought " '87". When he pulled up I asked the year and he said '87! I had a Mustang, '87. They looked almost identical that year. His was the same faded original-paint red, but no T-Tops. His hatch was a bit more slanted, and the nose was of course shorter and smoother, not a Mustang. But it made me think of Poe. How does one get over their first car? I got over my first Love faster than I got over my first car. I haven't even named the Car I have, I just call it Car. It probably doesn't deserve it, but I can't help it: I'm still not over Poe. Also: took my pills around 1320, ate 30 min prior. Nauseous as hell. Lil/bad sleep + night of dehydrating drinking didn't help. - From WeyrCat's Treo...

081210 Gym

Chest press 23lb 10/7/5/6 Will leave at friggen 18 next time. Leg Raises -Elbow- Preacher Curls Mach 20lb wtF is the feet brace bar kiddiecorner? I wanted to cry by about 5each rep. And that's AFTER I reduced weight from 25-20! Lower Back Ext, 4/10 last time this left me sore through my 5k. Time to do more so it DOESN'T get so sore when I do em. So hot. My muscles are shaking. More H2o. Hubby'd be pissed if he knew I was this dehydrated. Must slam tonight or tomorrows appt will make me ill. Crappy workout is so far crappy. I've been so freakin hot all day. Dehydrated. Watching Hubby is uplifting & motivating too. He's a beast! Shopping list: Full Spectrum Bulbs. Damned lifting gloves! -Yoga Mat til I actually go to that class or do it Twice weekly @home. *Add Plasma as Health Note on Cal: it affects hydration & performance, and was HUGE factor in 11/12 Ill - From WeyrCat's Treo...

081209 My Day, Play by Play.

Call Mom! Its her Birthday!! 0545 I only rolled ONE stop-sign thank you Mr MP, the one for runners crossing All American. However I doubt at 545 there ARE any. But yes, I sowwy. Speeding? 28/15? Oops.. Sorry, Tryin not to make Hubby Late!! 1600$ in fines? Tow my car? I am VERY thankful MPs hate paperwork. NO TICKET! Thank The Fates! I'll drive more careful on my way to the gym. 0600 I don't know if its motivating or not, but there is something weird about running, on purpose, past a Unit dressed out for PT but dreading the Run.. Also: testing awesome headphones Hubby rewarded me with! 0726 I feel like last night's sleep was a healing sleep. I went to bed in one of my Down spells, but woke feeling langorous, my skin soft and my senses sweetened. My husband's head on my chest was divine, my hands on his back perfect. I could have stayed like that all day. My run was what I expected. I woke with a strange pull in my right glut, which persisted through the run. Knee aches a...

08Dec03 Rebekah Bears

Twelve... Hours... at the Airfield Gate. SO I stitched. In the house, in the booth, probably a total of about 9 hours. (Have to take time off for eating and WackenPT.) No backstitch, just fill. Just the Bear actually. But these shots show todays progress. My fingers kinda hurt. Julianna, Capt. on The Leaky Dinghy

08Dec03 Rebekah Bears

Sitting on Staff Duty with Hubby we all watched movies while I stitched. Putting in a corner stitch my needle snapped. It'd felt bent the last day or so, but I'd thought the needle was maybe conforming to my fingers. Alas, no. It did give me pause to look at my chart and discover that the diamond for Light Pink was VERY similar to the diamond for Tan... CURSES! so I spent the rest of the night pulling out the LtPink (after a trip home to shanghai my embroidery needle. Julianna, Capt. on The Leaky Dinghy

081203 Gym!!

No legs, can't wear em out 2 days before a race! Means no GS/QS either. YOGA20m (at home, midmorn) RecBike15m Rpm90 Res2 AvgHR150 ChestPress6-30p20p10p?p Row 25lb4/10 LatPD25lb4/10 LBackExt4/10 My back was a lil mad at me after that: hadn't done extensions in a while apparently. /add to More Often list! Julianna, Capt. on The Leaky Dinghy

081201 WackenPT: BA PT!

GlutSqueeze 200 QuadSqueeze 200 (Body Armor & GunBelt = 19lb. When WackenPT is done while wearing it, will be listed as BA PT. LB+Winter Gear not calced.) BASquat 3/10 BALunge 3/10 BACalf Raises 3/20 BAInclined Push Up on a 3' pole 3/20 I think this earns me my PT badge for the day. Also, attaching the measly pic I got of the beautiful astro-event tonight: The crescent moon over Venus, and flanked by red Jupiter. Three shining bodies in the Heavens, so wonderful! - From WeyrCat's Treo...

081130 WackenPT

SitUps 3/15. W/Band: Curls 3/10 Row 3/10 LockrDip 3/10. Squat Jump 3/10 Standing Bicycle Crunch 3/10 Pushups 10 - From WeyrCat's Treo...