06/21 My car was robbed

Nothing wakes you up in the morning like having your car robbed in the middle of the night.

After going through everything, they got: A sun-cooked GPS and cord (doesn't work), earbuds with no backing on them anymore (could see the wires), a bunch of useless keys from the center console, and *the only important thing* Shane's ACU backpack containing his $50 textbook and his notebook.

They missed: $30 I forgot to take out of the sunglass holder (for tolls yesterday), $200 in an envelope in the glovebox (Granma's been hiding money apparently), keys/transponder to mom-in-law's house which I had only JUST put in the upper sunglass holder. They tore everything out of the glovebox, pulled apart the owner's manual, pulled everything out of the center console, weird little cigarette holder thing.

We got in at 1130p, brought everything we could carry in, and must have forgot to lock it because nothing was broken. They smoked in my car while they rifled, assholes. Sheriff says two other cars in the neighborhood got the same treatment last night.

The sheriff took prints, and DNA from the trunk latch (had to pop the trunk to get Shane's backpack.) I didn't know they did that. They hope to match it to stuff they pull from the other two cars.

We did have a mini-panic attack when we realized a set of the keys they took were for the two fireboxes we have in the house (1 of two sets). Somehow we were smart enough to put one key for each firebox on each ring, so we have a key for each still. Just medical records and harddrive data backups, but such a pain in the butt when you lose the keys. Need to get copies made now.

Could have been so much worse; I'm relieved for so many reasons.

After class I canvased our neighborhood, then walked the alley behind our house on foot. I hoped they'd rifle the backpack while walking, see it didn't contain anything valuable, and dump the text and note books. Those are the things that really suck most. The backpack stinks (good-for-anything ACU backpack) but those notes are everything Shane's done in class this semester. :(

The worst part for me is that I think I heard it happening. It took me a while to fall asleep, and Temper was crying. I meowed for her but she wouldn't stop. She's been strange since we moved, stress and new sounds. I got up to bring her to bed once, but she left, and began crying again. There was a thump; Rook and I both raised our heads to listen. Another thump. Temper likes to knock stuff off counters to watch them fall. I also do not know the sounds of the neighborhood at night. I though of waking Husband, but didn't: it was probably nothing.

I think I heard them going through my car :(. Shane says, and is probably right, that if I had made him check it out he could have been hurt. Since they 'didn't get anything important' (backpack, notes, textbook, my comfort,) that it's better this way.



  1. I am so relieved that you are okay! This happened to my husband, 3 times in one year at this apartment complex. They kept stealing his radio/stereo system....

    I'm glad they didn't get much, and I hope they get caught.


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