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WeyrCat.Net update: YES! (And some new to come soon too!
It's raining outside! It's so beautiful!! The room has been filled witha wonderful cool breeze for the last few days, probably with promise ofthis wonderful rain lol. I hope it keeps up! (Even though I have placesto walk tomorrow, I'd gladly do it in the rain! :D
I have updated WeyrCat.com. The thing is: It's beautiful! Whichultimately means it must be changed lol. Beauty is not easy tonavigate, deal with, keep up, And I'll hate anything that I try to putup anyway. My main effort needs to be making the pages easy for peopleto get to, read, make use of, yadda yadda yadda.
My black and purples chemes or javascript window openers, or fancy iframes are all fun and neat, BUT, it makes it so very difficult for people to navigate. I need to stick with a color scheme , stick with a design format (graphicallyspeaking) and just work on getting ALL the content updated. I think bythe time i have everything actually WORKING (photos, poetry) it willhave taken so long that I'll be like "Change the format?
And go throughall THAT again? NO WAY!" SOOOOOO, how should I do it lol. I don'tupdate very often (not counting format changes lol.) It kinda updatesas my life does (which for a college student is somehow too fast to belooged, and too slow to be of note all at the same time.)
I dunno, I'll go save some of that rant energy for designing lol. I'veput tons of that energy into some Neopets lookups (for myself andothers) which I would link you to, but you can't see unless you signup. Its really fun! lol, I'm completely addicted. If you want to signup lol GO HERE! Then you can go here to see my lookup, and here to see the lookup I'm working on for a friend of mine ; : )
Alright, I go now. BYE!
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