
Showing posts from January, 2013

I am vast.

My atoms were forged in a supernova, or a new sun undergoing fusion, and solar wind blew me across the universe, planting me like a seed on this Earth. I became water, grass, air. I returned to the Earth. I collected in a womb a coalesced into life. I am a child of the universe. How vast am I.

2012 in Review

Goodbye 2012! This year I: Ran a Super Spartan . (And injured myself, boo.) Saw Enchanted Island (opera) streamed live by the Met.  Went to Irish Fest . Read a lot.  Played Pottermore , Guild Wars 2 , Torchlight 2. Watch a TON of movies (mainly superhero movies...). Rekindled my love of Sherlock (through BBC), Green Arrow (the comic), and Dr. Who! Watched one of my best friends get married! Visited my parents! Turned 28 ! Saw Curiosity land on Mars! Officially changed my major from Biology to Biology Education . Volunteered with Mission Green and SEEDs! Went to Miami from with friends from Arizona! Went camping and tubing down the Ichetucknee with Granma Irma for the last time. (love) Went to the Miami Seaquarium ! I have had such an amazing year. Thank you to everyone who helped make it possible.