(X) Sick
Feb25-04.45p My Mood is: Pretty good. I was sick yesterday, and when we got home I slept... until about 130p today. But yesterday afterschool we picked George up some pants and stuff at the mall. Didnt get home til about 730 or so, really cold lol. While I was in the library waiting for George to get back form his first class a woman silently handed me an envelope with an American flag sticker in it. Typed on it was "Deaf mother of 2 childre. Please help by donating 2 dollars for this item." I went ahead and gave her the two dollars. I'd done it before for a man in a Border's book store in Phx, he gave me a small fake-gemmed cross which I wore on the lapel of my jacket til I found it broken off. Today 2 kids knocked on the door and said they were selling candy for a trip to Catelina and would I please buy some for only a dollar each. I remember that my sister went and loved it, and brought home a shark's tooth, so I bought 4 candy bars from them. 2 almond and 2 c...