110119 Smoosh 'n I need naps...

While yesterday I had a headache and therefore felt my day off and its minor chores were a burden, today I feel much better and even rather optimistic. It's pretty outside, I'm still congested but no headache, and poor Shmoosh is taking his neutering well. Be did manage to turn his soft collar into a tutu,  but he seems to be sleeping most of it off. I skipped the gym yesterday, due to headache and malaise. I plan to try my hand (foot?) at running club tonight.

Skip next paragraph if you don't want to read me whine about my weight.

I never really worried too much about it; as long as I was under my Marine Corps Max I was happy. At 63" that gives me a max of 135. I was 125 in high school, can out of Boot 135, and it gradually worked back to 125. Before Christmas I was 132, then shortly after


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