110109 Pizza and Movies

I love days when I'm cute. Pizza guy loved it too!

While yesterday's double had me in tears and cursing the guests for hours, I did realize you can get a lot done in 16 hrs on your butt.

A. Finished Deja Dead by Kathy Reichs (audiobook). A wee dry but enjoyed it. Will 'dig up' the next installment.

B. Watched 'Tristan and Isolde' finally. Want for my collection. Historical errors made in trying to patch together a locale and time, but it's hard to dislike men with swords in studded leather.

C. Got halfway through 'The Last Templar' by Raymond Koury. Very good read I think.

Got home,  threw a tantrum, hubby fed me a popsicle after my shower and I slept a little.


A. Finished 'Last Templar'. Do your neighborhood library a favor. Take the book out, tear out the last 25 pages, enjoy the rest of the book, return. Anyone who bothers to dig up those last pages and read them will understand why you tore them out. I swear... stupidest  archaeologist ever.

B. Wrote my brother.
C. Wrote official letter on how unfit a father my brother'n'law is.

So far, so good.


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