School, Geekery, and Science!

Woops! I did not notice that my posts were getting stuck in "draft"!

Here's what been published late:
20120805-11 Curiosity and News.
News: KY Evolution, Medieval Germanic War.

In Life:

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School has started again and I've got four classes, Organic Chemistry I, Genetics, Introduction for Teaching, and Introduction to Technology for Educators. For those of you of my generation let me emphasize that the latter is "intro to, technology for educators" and not "intro to technology, for educators". If you don't know the difference: instead of teaching me "Intro to Tech" (typing, how to use word, excel, etc, all that jazz) I'll be learning the programs that educators tend to use nowadays to organize students' grades, build digital classrooms, work through how the law pertaining to teaching interacts with the law pertaining to technology, etc. I'll be keeping two blogs for the class and uploading my final projects so that the school and school districts can peruse them. Weird, but okay. Genetics looks like a lot of fun; it has a concept driven bent, which I like. Orgo I, will be detail driven, of course, and will probably take more time than anything else. for Intro to Teaching I'll spend 15 hours in an active classroom, which I anticipate to be pretty cool. I can ask for a science class, and have, but we have to wait and see.

I hit Level 60 on my Demon Hunter on Diablo 3. Yes, that matters to me. Hubby bought me a bunch of Lvl60 gear so now, in addition to hitting like a truck, I have better life, some movement speed (yea, I'm always lazy about that), and some magic find. Before leveling, and when MF was still shared, I found 3 Legendaries on one run (one of them the crossbow Izzuccob, SQUEE) but it was before they "fixed" Legendaries. Ah well. The bow goes in my box. (When I was on GW I would hunt Elite hunter mobs to steal their named bows!)

We've been talking about getting Guild Wars 2, since I've been eying it since I heard it was coming out and Hubby is always interested in trying out new games. I'm not sure I'll have tons of time for it, definitely not if the D3 Paragon Levels renew Hubby's interest in D3. Who'm I kidding, I want GW2 in a bad way, and I SHALL HAVE IT!!! I'm allowed an hour or two a night to myself and to hang with Hubby. 'Suppose I should make sure I'm making time for studying, first... I know everyone's going to jump on the Sylvari all "Night Elf Style" but, they're just... me. It's a natural progression from my GW character: a Melandru worshiping Ranger-Monk. Rawr.

Also in Geekery:

* Armored Catwoman, the houses of Game of Thrones are cute, Giger counters (wait for it) from MarySue, and they give us "Official Poster for The CW's 'Arrow' Released " from ComicVine.

* More Arrow: Arrow Casts Jessica De Gouw as Fledgling Vigilante and Female DC Superhero The Huntress from MarySue. "Helena is a potential love interest for Oliver Queen; a fellow vigilante, set on destroying her father’s organized crime empire. But Helena’s blind pursuit of revenge will put her on a collision course with the Arrow." So, Mob-Daughter Huntress instead of Batman-Catwoman Huntress, but.. um... love interest?

* Mummified Siberian Princess Found Covered in Impressively Preserved Tattoos - MarySue and BuzzFeed. Mummified Princess Ukok has some really cool tattoos and they're beautifully preserved.
"Princess Ukok and her warriors are believed to be members of the Pazyryk nomads who existed as early as the 5th century BC when they were described by the Greek historian Herodotus. Buried with Ukok, who died around the age of 25, were a meal of sheep and horse meat and six horses with bridles perhaps meant to escort her to the next world and most definitely evidence of her status in her tribe. From what knowledge has survived of Pazyryk culture, we know the tattoos were a from of identification, like a driver’s license, meant to make it easier to find your family members after death."

More News Below:

Cool News: | Explore | Chromoscope
Chromoscope is an accessible, easy tool that anyone can use to explore and understand the sky at multiple wavelengths. It lets you easily move around the sky and fade between wavelengths using a simple user-interface to illustrate the similarities and differences between what is visible at each wavelength.
There are currently seven included: gamma ray (Fermi), X-ray (ROSAT), H-alpha (WHAM), optical (DSS), infrared (IRAS), microwave (Planck) and radio (Haslam). And it's probably the coolest thing since Scale of the Universe.

* New 'Microthrusters' Could Propel Small Satellites: As Small as a Penny, These Thrusters Run On Jets of Ion Beams - ScienceDaily.
* U.S. Should Adopt Higher Standards for Science - Scientific American. Obvious headline is obvious.
* Prosthetic Retina Helps to Restore Sight in Mice - Scientific American. which is supercool for obvious reasons. (Hey you, anti-animal testers, THIS is why we rest on animals, to restore your SIGHT!)
* Teenager's Invention Saves Fuel for School Buses - Scientific American. I love young inventors!
What? Why yes I AM behind on my SciAm RSS, how did you know?
* Synthetic Biology Book Published in DNA - Nature Magazine via SciAm. Will DNA be the next big computer processors? DUDE. Cool.

 Uncool News:

Neil Armstrong, the first man to set foot on the moon, died 2012Aug25 from complications following his Aug07 surgery to repair blocked coronary arteries. While he wasn't the only astronaut on that mission he became the face American Lunar Landings, our ambassador to the Moon. Because of his iconic words and mighty footprint a generation of children grew up wanting to be space pilots and scientists. The Earth salutes you, Sir.
Armstrong, Collins, and Aldrin.
Tropical Storm Isaac:
Yea... three cheers for living in Paradise! (GAG). Ok, so it's not a hurricane, but it IS a meany head. At this point Isaac is set to cruise around the west side of Florida, leaving my Eastern side all wet, windy, but mostly intact. We should get 40 MPH winds and gusts up to 70, and no one will be swimming anytime soon, but it looks like we won't need too many canned goods or window batting. Hope your flood insurance is paid up! Be watching the news for damage in those middle swamp states. Everytime Mother Nature tries to drown them they end up in need of those canned goods and dry blankets. Welcome to Sundragon, take off your clothes!
Src and more Information.


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