A headache before 1300...

I'm a week and a half into the semester and already so tired of having college algebra shoved down my throat at a ridiculous rate. I sit in my car on the fourth floor of the parking garage, an overly sensitive car alarm blares with no one go turn it off, as the loudspeaker bell tolls noon. The cacophony, on top of fighting back tears of frustration and exhaustion, are almost too much.

I just had a week's worth of high school algebra breezed through in 45 minutes by a Russian monikered Korean lady with a strong accent, with 5minutes left at the end for a quiz in manipulation of additive inverses ("addTItive...") Panicky, I'd done what I could and hurriedly selected someone that looked like it MIGHT be right... Today's exam was moved back a week (yay!) So she could put more on it (awww.) Even that seems like an anti-blessing.

The car alarm ceases for a moment, respite? And starts back up again, in case everyone dared forget about it.

I left class wanting to cry. I exited the wrong door and had to walk all the way around. Then discovered that my lunch plans completely fell through; cause I needed /another/ damn change today. So I waded through the inattentive masses on bikes and skateboards and standing RIGHT in the middle of everything, trying to get around those annoying people with HOURS to get wherever the hades they're going.

The car alarm ceases, but the temperature in over-warm, adding to my infant headache.

Tomorrow I'll go to work for 16 hrs, and 8 hours later go back for another 16. I pray my mind, and my grades, survive this. If today is any indication, I might start looking for a major that doesn't require theoretical mathematical garbage having no bearing on my chosen field. Tell me Head Nurse, when will I need to factor a trinomial of the second degree, and divide it by the additive inverse of the denominator of another factored binomial I will multiply it by?

I didn't freaking think so.


  1. I feel your pain! I took algebra last January, on a Saturday, and it was a "hybrid" course. Meaning, there was a teacher, but she expected you to have a good base for math. Boy, was she mistaken with me!
    Some ideas that may help: youtube.com has literally THOUSANDS of teachers who use videos to help teach. I like Yay Math and purple math. There is also a site called "Math for Morons like Us." Love that name.
    Hangeth thou in there....you will make it! I made a B (by the skin of my teeth) and if I can, you can.


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