WSI 090609 12hrs on Randolph...

So last night, on my Wednesday off, LT calls me to ask if I want more hours. I've already got 44 (4 automatic OT hours), and the thought of adding 8 more onto that sounds pretty nice. I throw a cursory "What do you think Husband?" at Hubby and agree. Banter back and forth, and it works out that I could also snag the 4 hours AFTER that if I want them. I say sure, and LT calls (as I'm TRYIN to be in bed at 11pm) to tell me I've got the whole 12hr shift. Hooray!!!....wait... why do I do that?

So this morning I woke up, had slept like crud (I hate that), and dragged myself off to school (almost late!) to give my final presentation in Computer Information Systems 113 (last day of class). Technical difficulties: I left the thumb drive with the presentation still plugged into my computer at home! No worries... I emailed it to my partner so she could review her lines. So I inform the sit-in-prof that I have to DL the file first. Uh-oh... GMail won't let us DL.. some server error!! Across 2 computers.. ok... pull the file off the Palm Treo, re-mail to yahoo, tryin to login to snag it there. Now the sit-in-prof is skipping us and getting on with the rest of the class's presentations. Partner somehow manages to pull it down! YAY! We wait, now relegated to the back of the line. When it's our turn, the partner reads her lines as if she's seeing them for the first time (cause she is! She didn't check it out at all when I mailed it to her the day before!!) Still, as dry as it was, th
e last slide nailed it for real chuckles and laughs when we both say "We guarantee results!" and the screen has a flashing caret saying "Guarantee not guaranteed."

So I wander home to potty the puppy, make my lunch, and generally prepare for a 12hr day. Pick up hubby, eat a lil, and we're off!

Within the first hour I've pulled three cars off to wait for the MPs because they have children under 8-Years-Old or 80-Lbs. One has a seat brought to her, the other two were let go. This makes me so angry... some claim they didn't KNOW it was a law and yet they OWN carseats at home (yea... they knew.) Tonight I actually pulled one over and gave him the speech and the scarey run-around (because I knew Sgt was going to let them go with a warning anyway) and he said that because their three-year-old was already asleep, and were just going to WalMart, they just put the sleeping child in the car and didn't grab the carseat... Why was he unbuckled? He must have taken it off. So... Your sleeping three-year-old, unbuckled his seat belt, and you were too lazy to grab his carseat. One man had a 4-yo boy and a 7-yo girl, neither with carseats. He said he owned none. I turned him off post (I'm sure he just went through another gate unscathed). Carseats, I'm told, are about 50$. Is this man tel
ling me his children's lives are not worth 50$ a pop to him?

So yea, I'm kinda agitated with it. Doesn't help that today has dragged ON and ON so I'm probably overfocusing. Over in a lil over an hour, then I get to go home. Done with school til 17 Aug, but working through Tuesday. Hooray for so many hours, and yet booooo!

Ok, My therapeutic bean-spilling done, I'm off to read some Alice in Wonderland before going back to work.



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