WSI New Whale Award, & "No Smoking, we have our Own!"

So today our previous Whale Award Winner (aka Fat Army Spouse) of BF-326 was crushes by a newcomer: WF-330 on All American!! I think the scariest thing is that everyone lies on their ID, so they MUST weigh more than that in actuality... HOW is that POSSIBLE?

As per No Smoking, We Have our Own, feast your eyes upon the masks handed out by the LT tonight (and my lil makeshift sign). On Post they Control burn the underbrush in order to lessen the likelyhood of actual forest fires. This doesn't seem to stop the general public (or soldiers) from warning us to call the fire deptartment... because there seems to be a FIRE on Post!! Tonight after my regular shift ended they starter a burn somewhere near All American freeway entrance. It started out ok, like they do, until people driving by were telling us they felt sorry for us. The LT swung by to hand out masks (boy I wish I'd had one that day on Yadkin when I thought I was going to throw up from smoke inhalation!) They itch fiercely and don't block near enough, but they are indeed better than nothing. At the end of my 21 hour day the smoke seems to be just another irritant. Woke at 0515 to take Hubby to work and couldn't go back to sleep due to class. Done with the assignments I could do there
so I basically farted around in Word. Couldn't sleep AFTER class so I argued amiably with Faygo and Erich until having to leave to my 12 hr day at the glorious employ that is Wackenhut.

In good news, ECU wrote me back telling me they'd evaluate the unofficial transcripts I sent them to see where I could drop into their Bachelor's program (omg the chance to get out of FTCC's 3-year associates track? Yes please! Who purposefully stacks their 2-yr degree classes so you HAVE to take them in 3 years... AFTER taking all the OTHER classes you need. Ridiculous!!

Could be going to a 311 concert with Hubby on Friday, which would kinda destroy the plans I'd setup, but we can really do them any day we manage to steal to be together... 311 he's been waiting for, for 8 years he said? Wow. Worth the effort I think. I'm rather excited to go, since I know it was something HE wanted to do. I drag him to a lot, and he doesn't get to drag me to much (besides the gym :P)

Ok, brain is dripping out ears. Time to pretend I want to be here for another 30 mins. Eek.

/yearning for her cool, soft bed...


  1. This is probably one of the meanest post i have read of yours....Whale watching??? some people have medical disorders, that cause them to be overweight such as thyroid issues like myself. Grow up, seriously.

  2. Mz Stella, I would stay you probably don't live near a military base. You don't get to see the women who trap young, dumb, soldiers into marrying them so they can sit around, unemployed, not going to school, just.. eating.. and watching soaps.

    I would venture to say a person who feels my comments are 'mean' is probably a little more than heavy themselves... Fit people rarely pull the Medical Disorder card when we're talking about poundage that is so far beyond rational.

    Having a medical disorder or physical inclination towards being 'heavy' or packing on the pounds doesn't mean you grab more donuts in your misery: it means you make time for that cardio; you skip the junk food in favor of a grilled chicken salad.

    Quit sitting at home whining about some web personalities opinions on your thunder-thighs and go for a walk. Seriously... I'm not famous, nor interesting. So you surfed on in here when you could be doing something to battle your medical condition.

    URGH! Now THAT'S a mean post. You don't like it: Don't read it.


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