(X) Sick
Feb25-04.45p My Mood is:
Pretty good.
I was sick yesterday, and when we got home I slept... until about 130p today. But yesterday afterschool we picked George up some pants and stuff at the mall. Didnt get home til about 730 or so, really cold lol. While I was in the library waiting for George to get back form his first class a woman silently handed me an envelope with an American flag sticker in it. Typed on it was "Deaf mother of 2 childre. Please help by donating 2 dollars for this item." I went ahead and gave her the two dollars. I'd done it before for a man in a Border's book store in Phx, he gave me a small fake-gemmed cross which I wore on the lapel of my jacket til I found it broken off. Today 2 kids knocked on the door and said they were selling candy for a trip to Catelina and would I please buy some for only a dollar each. I remember that my sister went and loved it, and brought home a shark's tooth, so I bought 4 candy bars from them. 2 almond and 2 caramel. I'll eat an almond and then give one to everyone else. I hope they have a lot of fun in Catelina.
I was sick yesterday, and when we got home I slept... until about 130p today. But yesterday afterschool we picked George up some pants and stuff at the mall. Didnt get home til about 730 or so, really cold lol. While I was in the library waiting for George to get back form his first class a woman silently handed me an envelope with an American flag sticker in it. Typed on it was "Deaf mother of 2 childre. Please help by donating 2 dollars for this item." I went ahead and gave her the two dollars. I'd done it before for a man in a Border's book store in Phx, he gave me a small fake-gemmed cross which I wore on the lapel of my jacket til I found it broken off. Today 2 kids knocked on the door and said they were selling candy for a trip to Catelina and would I please buy some for only a dollar each. I remember that my sister went and loved it, and brought home a shark's tooth, so I bought 4 candy bars from them. 2 almond and 2 caramel. I'll eat an almond and then give one to everyone else. I hope they have a lot of fun in Catelina.
The power went out last night, turned off all the computers but thankfully George's alarm stayed on. It went off again around 2 and stayed off til 4. I'm working on my website, neglecting my Neopets. Eh, my website probably needs it more than my pets. *sneef for the poor pets.* Sorry I'm jumping around. My fingers are cold and I'm kinda blah, but still managing to feel good. I finished (and started) The Lunatic Cafe yesterday, and started Living Dead in Dallas today. Hopefully while working today I'll get the reviews up. Wishful thinking.
Tonight we're all going to see THe Passion, that Christ movie directed by Mel Gibson. I hope its good (intriguing at least). Later.
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