(X) Movies etc

Feb21-04.42a My Mood is: Thoughtful, contemplative. But not in a bad way...

For some reason I had found myself lacking the will to want to startreading it again, though I had loved it when I first read it. It wasn'tfor a love of the story or characters, because when I did sit down toread it (usually at night, before bed) I didn't want to put it down.And afterwards I lay there in my "post-book" glow, with the samefeeling... I think its more used to the Anite Blake books: moreaddictidly used to the attitude and style that reminds me more of me(and in reality, my mother) that the sweet, sticky, thick and enticingwords of Rice. All that really means in English lol is that I've readto many Hamilton novels back to back without taking a break. Thatalways happens, either I get bored with the style of writing and findit hard to get through it, or I get so into the style that others feelforced. I loved reading Tale of the Body Thief anyway, I knew I would.You can read the review (though as I write this the website'sre-designing isn't finished, I plan to spend most of tomorrow doingthat when I'm not entertaining our houseguests. I really also plan totell you about the day I had earlier, and why not now.

The other day,after George went to work, Kimberly woke me up and asked if I wanted togo to a movie (which is spontaneous, and delightfully often.) I jumpedup, dressed, grabbed a yogurt and we were off. We saw 50 First Dates(of which you can read my review on that too when I get it up.) It wasa really good movie, I enjoyed it a lot. Then we hunted for a place toeat, both being a little burnt out on the places the family usuallygoes. We tried this little family restaurant we thought was aSoda-Fountain place, you know: one of those 50s diners lol. It turnedout to be partially that, and partially family-after-church-lunch spot.I had the egg-salad sandwich (DELICIOUS!) and drew a bit of a dragon inthe wonderful little drawing pad that Kimberly had just bought me.(Have you ever noticed that you tend to speak a little like thecharacters in whatever novel you've just finished reading? Eh. *shrug*)Anyway, that was a good day.

The day before yesterday or so lolGeorge and I went to Barnes and Noble after school. I picked up a bookin each of the series I'm readong now (another Anita Blake and thesecond in the "Dead Until Dark" series) and "Necroscope" which had beenpreviously recomended to me by the guy who works in the SciFi-Fantasysection there. We had ourselves a Chicken Foccacia and shared a GrandeToffee Frap (the new ones, really really good, but naturally tastes alittle burnt to me.) Instead of getting off at our usual spot we stayedon so we could get to the Walgreens to pick up my film. while I wasthere I had them fix some prints that the one in Phx had messed up, andwe wandered to the blockbuster to get some movies. He chose "Lost inTranslation" (you can read the review on my Xanga) and I got "MidnightMadness", a bad looking vampire massacre movie lol (of which you'll beable to read the review when I get THAT watched tomorrow lol.)

Ihave a lot to do tomorrow; well, a lot that I'm planning to do. It'sgoing to be a "vampire day" verses the "Neopets days" that have been sofrequent. Not to say I wont do my dailies or anything lol, but ipromise to try to spend more time getting all that stuff for my webpage(that's been so backed up) done and published. All that whileentertaining the houseguests, and working on my Mythology hw so I don'thave to rush it tomorrow.... riiiiiite.


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