(X) Icons and Life
WHATa morning.... George and I went to bed last night about 3am, which wasok since he didn't need to get up til noon, and leave for work at 2p. Iwoke at 214 and woke him. He ran around trying to get ready wihle Imade him a sandwich he could eat on the way; he was going to have towalk since he had WAY missed his chance to get the bus. (He had alsobeen late Monday when we discovered there was no bus service onPresident's day and had to walk.) While we scrambled he decided to calland ask Debbie for a ride. She thankfully said yes, and when shearrived he ran out, and ran back in because we forgot to bring themovie we had to return to her.
I'm reading about how everyone'spissed off because of OutKast's Native American garb at the Grammys,and everyon'e whining about how wrong that is to dress up like"Indians" and dance around TeePees... well sheesh, pardon everyRedBlooded (pardon the term) American child who's ever played CowBoysand Indians, or who ever's watched Peter Pan and decided to warpaintthemselves and go whoppin and hollerin. I don't see the huge tadooabout it, and I'm very proud of my Native American Heritage. Eh, toeach their own warpath ;)
And to top it all off, Level19 of Jhudora's cloud cost me 40,999NP today! SHEESH... one more level and I'm done with that, but what anasty hit to my bank I'll tell ya. I'll also be glad when this PackRatthing is done, but I can't seem to keep goin on just cheap toys to fillmy box, they're getting harder and harder to find.
I've been really lazy about doing anything to my website, but it's because I'm REDESIGNING IT AGAIN.When am I NOT you might ask? Hmm, good question. But it's hard tohave a website represent who you think you when you unsatisfied withthe way the site looks all the time lol. I DID however make a really(sorta-cute) page for Dixie (my Shoyru NeoPet)... HERE.But I'm still workin on that one too... grar. Sometimes I think that Ihave webpages only so I can constantly redesign them. I just wantsomething different than everyone else's yet completely representativeof ME, is that SO HARD TO ASK lol. (Yea right, I want to be differentand unique... just like everyone else.
SOOOOO, I'm sorry Ihaven't been updating. If it makes you feel better I'm getting all myhomework done, but not cleaning my room either. Ah, Give and Take, CestLa Vie.
04.49p My Mood is:
Alright,well, thirsty yes, exhausted... more like sore lol. I just got backfrom a run... well, I walked once around the neighborhood, then ranabout 2/3 (with some walking to space out the running lol), and thenwalked it, then pumped for about a block, then walked one more roundlol. 5 times around the neighborhood is about 3 1/2 miles... so Ididn't do too bad today.. But for some reason my left foot keptslapping the ground and my right leg started begging for ice in the oldspots sigh. I took my shower in Kimberly's shower, since ours is overrun with ants heh. It wasn't bad, I still won't be satisfied till Ican do at least HALF of what I could in Boot... grar.
5.39p And you know what... now I'm HUNGRY!
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