School, Avengers.

I'm not dead, just busy!

Summer's Chem2 is moving right along and even my weekends are full of study. We took Exam 1 and the class average was 52%. I'm rather ashamed of my grade; it's above the average but no where near acceptable to me. Most of the students are in an uproar because we have 30 questions, mostly computational, and one hour to do them. Most of us ended up bubbling in 3-4 in the end. I bubbled four. Mathematically I'd need to get an average of 90 on the next two and final to earn the A-. Honestly I could do as poorly as a 66 average on them to get the C+ required for graduation, but I'll be lobotomized before that becomes acceptable to me. So, looking at the B. Bleh.

Little dance: I was able to get into Fall's Orgo class. Now I just need to pass THIS chem with a reasonable grade. Also for fall: Genetics, Intro to Teaching, and Physical Science. Thirteen credits. Dropping German 2 for now since it's a lot of work and not technically required for graduation. It's what's going to make my Bachelors of Arts into a Bachelors of Science, because I feel like being a snob like that.

Img from Marvel Wikia
I made time this week (with the break in class for Independence Day) to go see The Avengers. SQUEEEEEE! Once it was over I felt so infused with awesome that I grinned and strutted from the theatre. Couldn't seem to help it. Just felt fantastic. I still have the little "physics-phail" moments, but it IS a superhero movie so I let em go. I also only found myself telling Renner (playing Hawkeye) to turn his elbow once. I was too excited to pick more. One word: Coulson.

Husband, not a fan of comics, was brought up to relative speed before we went. He's only seen the Iron Man movies. He was upset that one of the main characters wasn't killed. Said it would make a better movie. I was sharply reminded of Kirsten Dunst when she said that Spiderman would have been a better movie if he'd died in it. These people obviously never read comics, don't get the point. We don't want them dead, and YES we want the studio to just keep them around so they can make more movies. That's eggs-smackly what we want. I wonder if I can get Hubby to sit down and watch the earlier flicks with me... Hmmm.

He's refusing to see the new Batman, btw. Which... is kinda ok. I have no drive to go see it. I despise Bale in the suit. Yea, I wanna see what the new Catwoman is like, though I don't think they'll have the success reprising her that Ledger had with Joker (though I thought no one could do half as well as Nicholson in the first place). Ledger was fantastic as Joker, but I just don't get that feeling off of the trailers I see with Hathaway. ..I never saw the Halle Berry one either: I just don't want it to be anyone but Pfeiffer, all right?? I really have no reason to be elitist about it (I only ever read two Catwoman comics anyway 2-9 & 2-21, ).


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