School and Nerd Yearnings.

Oh how busy I have been!

Did I mention I got an 84% on my second Chem exam? Good, now ignore the fact that I got a 60% on the third. *headdesk* I don't understand. I have a 95% in the lab, I'm busting my buns to do as many of the practice problems as possible. I went to the school's SI sessions, (had to stop the non-school ones as they became paid-only). The only explanation is I'm STILL not studying enough. Not doing enough problems. In class he reads from his slides which are pasted from the textbook and then walks, agonizingly, through the book problems (which are nothing like the exam problems). Still, I cannot blame the educator, because the 60 (yes... MY 60) was the median, which means exactly half the class was higher than me. Who knows how much higher (average was 58) but higher. So, I can do better. I must. I need eggs-smackly an 80 to get a B in the class now, and a 95.9% to get my A-. It's impossible for me to get a straight A now. I'm mortified that I might fail (note, fail is less than a C+, for my own pride and to count towards graduation). I have a 3.9 GPA and I might fail a class... A C+ drops me from Summa to Magna, but that's not the point, it's.... the failing...
Honestly I could do worse and outright FAIL. Which.. I think I might take as a sign to jump off a building. I wouldn't actually do anything drastic, but the possibility it keeping me up at night. Really.

I've been working my little tail off , almost literally, if I can still use tail as a euphemism for buttocks. I've made the first stop on my Hobbit Walk (23 miles out of the 967) towards the Lonely Mountain. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, in short: Before December 13 I plan to walk the distance that Bilbo Baggins walked from his home in The Shire to Erebor, the Lonely Mountain, home of Smaug the dragon, from the novel The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. If I make the distance in time I'm treating myself to opening night of the film (barring any Finals in the way).

I don't have many links today since I'm had my nose to the grindstone, but I do come up for air occasionally.

San Diego Comic Con happened and the world was gifted with many awesome picture of awesomer cosplayers (costumed people). You can see a some of these wonderous things here where DC Steampunk Cosplayers keep their photos on Facebook.

I also really enjoyed the Anachronistic Superheroes I saw on GeekGirls' FB page. She has tons and tons and tons of awesome.

I saw a three-year-old open a couple electronic gun safes just by banging on them (more advanced does not mean better.

I realized I still yearn for Azeroth...

Google Science Fair winner Brittany Wenger made a neural network that can diagnose breast cancer from the least invasive procedure with 99.9% accuracy. ..."her amazing project, a neural network that can diagnose breast cancer with 99.11% accuracy" from the least invasive testing procedure. Amazing. Absolutely, amazing.

Behold, the Artificial Jellyfish: Researchers Create Moving Model, Using Silicone Polymer and Heart Muscle Cells. "Similar to the way a human heart moves blood throughout the body, jellyfish propel themselves through the water by pumping. In figuring out how to take apart and then rebuild the primary motor function of a jellyfish, the aim was to gain new insights into how such pumps really worked."

Two great examples of the human race died...
Indian Revolutionist And Military Leader Lakshmi Sahgal Dies -July 23rd, 2012
And Sally Ride... who's amazing contributions to bringing kids (particularly girls) into science and an interest of space exploration seems to have her life's work reduced to a bunch of people complaining about her sex life. I'm glad she isn't around to see it, because it's just... it's not the way I want my contributions to be remembered.

The Olympics are going on and I'm missing the bits I want to see since I don't have a TV and the NBC (who's covering it this time) won't let anyone watch it on the net unless you already pay for cable. Reeeediculous. I know that our men's archery has the silver, ONE POINT shy. Italy beat them by ONE POINT. I won't get to look up more until later. Bah. Humbug.

And finally, I'm a superhero. Yes. Yes I am.


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