
I really like this site and have used it a few times over the last decade or so. Sometimes it surprises me, sometimes not. It asks you your stance on big issues and then "ranks" the candidates according to how they have voted or stood on those issues. Obama and Libertarians always end up WAY up front for me, and then everything evens out as I keep answering questions and rating "How important the issue is to" me.

This came out pretty much exactly how I thought it would. The Libertarian candidate, who probably doesn't have a leg to stand on in America, matches my ideas 62%. Ron Paul is the next choice at 49%, but note where ALL the Republicans are: All in the low 40s. There's only one Democrat on the board (probably because he's already President, do the Democrats have to back him because he's already President or can they push another Democrat candidate? Hmm. I'm betting they have to back him.

So. I rather hope Ron Paul gets the Rep. nomination. I know some people who already say they're voting for him. I pray Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, and Rick Perry get hit by a bus, so it's a good thing in all trials prayer has no evidence of making any impact on the physical world. Still, the way things are going I wouldn't put it past the future to have the Thought Police snag me up and deem me an UnPerson for such remarks.

Cest la vie.

Interesting: The Libertarian candidate jumped BACK a scosh when I said "Yes" to gun ownership.
Ron Paul kinda seems like a Libertarian too, but it would be easier to get elected on one of the Two-Party-Tickets (thanks, idiot Americans!) Gary Johnson WAS on the Republican ticket but left (I think it says December 2011). Probably because, like Ron Paul, someone that pretends to be For the People instead of For the Church doesn't stand a snowflake's chance in hell.

PS: Why does The Google spellchecker underline Santorum, but not Romney? Weeeeird.

Caveat: I agree with the above, except I think, since they are all Private sphere issues, that they should be kept in Private places, excepting firearms and marriage (derp). Alcohol, cigarettes, porn, drugs, and sex, should be at Home or in Bars/Dens only. Please not in Public. I don't want to watch you have sex OR breathe in your second hand smoke, so keep it to yourself.

That is all.


  1. As far as Democrats having to back Obama because he is president, I don't think they HAVE to, although I may be wrong. Both parties do however always back the incumbent President (obviously of their party) if he chooses to run for re-election. The republicans had no primaries the year Bush ran for re-election either, and only people who registered to vote and declared a party affiliation can vote for that party's primaries(at least in FL), i.e. only registered republicans can vote for the republican primaries.


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