Tell your Rep to VOTE NO on SOPA/PIPA!

In case you don't know, I feel strongly about this.

I used the Wikipedia rep-finder to contact my local Representatives. I sent them all e-mails, and called the numbers provided. One lady took down my opinions and promised to "pass them on." I left a message for another. One line is constantly busy. The last line's mailbox is full. WE THE PEOPLE do not want this bill. Yet... because our reps don't represent US, I fear the end of the internet is nigh.

One of my reps responded (probably with a smart-filter responder) to the email I sent him about SOPA/PIPA. I'll post it at the bottom since it's the same political "sandwich" you always hear when they dodge you.

If you STILL are unsure what SOPA/PIPA are and how they affect you, watch this vid for a very understandable breakdown.
Here's an amusing video that would be illegal if SOPA passed. (His use of a copywrited tune, though legal under the Parody clause, could land him in prison for five years if some judge feels it's wrong!)

If you haven't signed a petition, written your Representatives, CALLED them, please DO SO before January 24 when
they vote themselves the ability to CENSOR what you READ, HEAR, SEE, LEARN!

Imagine going back to a time when you couldn't look up definitions or homework questions, search 500 year old patterns and recipes. Remember when your knowledge of the world was limited to what your local TV news channel wanted you to know?


See what it's like to be left in the dark.* Then, PLEASE, contact your local political yahoo and tell them you will not go gently into the night.
Want to know where that phrase is from? Too bad. "The internet... is down."

--*On Jan18,2012, went black to represent how much freedom of information could be lost if the Government censors the Internet and controls your input. Left up was a submit box where you could enter your zip code and be given a list of the Representatives for your area, and their contact information. If you have not taken part in the fight, you should. We the people don't control the Representatives anymore, and we will probably lose. Don't go without a FIGHT.


Now, the letter, for those interested in the jargon.

Skip to the starred line if you already know what "representatives" think about the opinions of those they represent.

Dear Mrs. Kepley:

Thank you for contacting me to express your views regarding H.R. 3261, the Stop Online Piracy Act, and S. 968, the PROTECT IP Act.  I appreciate the time you took to write to me, and I welcome this opportunity to respond.

As you know, H.R. 3261 and S. 968 would allow the Attorney General to take legal action against individuals associated with an internet site committing or facilitating online piracy, including criminal copyright infringement and trafficking in counterfeit labels, goods, or services.  The bills would also allow for legal proceedings against foreign nationals who are associated with delinquent domain names that harm American Internet users.

The Internet is a critical tool in our 21st century economy.  It is an extremely important engine for economic growth, innovation, and communication.  Inventors and innovators, large corporations and small business owners all use the Internet to make public their ideas – ideas that have revolutionized the way we communicate with one another, get information, and do business.  Unfortunately, the Internet has also been used to steal these ideas, hurting the ability of businesses to compete in the global market place.

Please know that I understand your concerns regarding Internet security, free speech, and innovation. The Constitution guarantees that innovators have the exclusive right to their properties for a limited time in order to receive benefits from their investments. We must ensure that these rights are protected on the Internet and that we have a regulatory system that punishes infringing activities. Producers of intellectual property (IP) content, such as TV, music, movies, and software lose an estimated $250 billion dollars annually due to IP theft from rogue websites, costing the U.S. an estimated 750,000 jobs. Furthermore, if IP content holders are unable to protect their investments, consumers may lose out on the very content that they use the internet to access.

On the other hand, I agree with you that government regulations must not encroach on the freedom of speech guaranteed by the First Amendment of the Constitution.  Please know that I will not support legislation that implements censorship of information, denies online access to safe goods and services, or impedes the ability of entrepreneurs and consumers to share ideas, freely communicate, and start new businesses.  I believe that Congress must pursue a course that maintains a balance between the free flow of information across the Internet and the need to protect individuals who publicize their intellectual property. 
H.R. 3261 was introduced by Representative Lamar Smith of Texas on October 26, 2011 and has been referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary, which is scheduled to further consider the bill in February, 2012.  S. 968 was introduced by Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont on May 12, 2011, and was referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.  The bill was reported favorably out of committee and has been scheduled for a vote in the Senate.  I will certainly keep your views in mind should any of these bills come before the House of Representatives for a vote.

Once again, thank you for contacting me about this important issue.  If I may be of further assistance to you on this or any other matter of mutual concern, please do not hesitate to contact me.  I also encourage you to visit my official Web site at to learn where I stand on many of the issues affecting our district, state, nation, and world.  With warm regards, I remain,

Alcee L. Hastings
Member of Congress

In other words, I've already decided that I'm going to vote FOR it, so I'll just use the "sandwich technique" to make you think I actually care about your opinion while completely ignoring your desires.
My reps don't represent ME or anyone else in my pay grade.
VOTE NO ON SOPA/PIPA! Reps are supposed to vote based on how THE MAJORITY FEELS (whether that, in itself, is flawed or not). If REPRESENTATIVES cannot do the job right, I'm sure the American people would be HAPPY to go to their designated voting booths and TELL YOU what you can't seem to figure out.


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