04July-10July. Mango bread; Plantlife; and Circumcision.

This week didn't have a lot too it, except that I've been really busy the whole time. I spent most of Independence Day catching up on housework and homework while Hubby pulled a double-time shift. I had a beer with lunch (Sam Adams East-West Kolsch) and had enough time (read: got bored enough) to finally sit down with Photoshop and recreate my highschool diploma. My mom 'filed' mine when I left everything I owned with her as I marched off to Bootcamp and that was the last anyone ever saw of it. I love her, but I unfortunately get my organizational skills from her! I think it turned out rather well, especially since it's just for my wall anyway.
It took longer than I thought it would. Looked up diplomas to get the wording right, then had to dig around for signatures that could be used. Took me a silly amount of time to find a signature for someone with the name Anderson, large enough to manipulate. The others, shrug, no one remembers those people, but the principal's name? Wanted that right.
Tuesday I spent four hours down with a caffeine headache. I've been slamming coffee this summer and then had none on my blessed day off. 200mg caffeine, 1000mg acetaminophen, and sipping a cup of coffee, it still took four hours for it to ebb and disappear. Afterwards I tried to run a bunch of errands and baked up a loaf of eggless mango quickbread. Eggless, because I had none, mango, because we have too much. I pulped and froze six ripe-to-overripe mangoes that had been collected since the rains earlier in the week created mango-geddon. There are more mangoes than that, twice that, in the trash because they were either infested, or unripe and split, or too ripe and split. Unbelievable yield this mango tree produces! I found a recipe online and editted it a little. I ended up making two more loaves for the freezer on Friday. I may end up making more!
The cactus behind the house bloomed, and it's lovely. The blooms are huge! Bees are having a fantastic time. My photos aren't focused (I may have to trade in this expensive phone for another, excepting that all the Droid2s seem to have this problem...) BUT, they do show how awesome this plant it. I like having a cactus near the house, reminds me of Arizona!
I'll have to add photos later, since this phone is also unable to rotate photos so they aren't sideways....
A brief note: got 100% on my last Calc quiz, and scored some extra credit on my Bio quiz (from 76% to 86%) which I needed. I dislike short quizzes because if you miss one you might as well miss half. First bio exam on Monday, so spending this weekend reviewing, cramming, etc.


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