Settling the house.

Busted my butt today; so why am I so agitated?

Went to school, got my exam back, nasty, but the curve gives me an 85.

Went to get oil changed and tires rotated, and ended up with those, two recall refittings, filters changed, power steering flushed, and waiting two hours. Shane ran the other errands while I was in class (Vitamin Shoppe for his Jackd, Petco for foods, Best Buy for DSL modem). He set the modem up, though we couldn't get service through it.

I came home, he went to school. I called the bank about a declined charge, straightened that out in 30min. Called ATT about DSL. Called ATT back about the setup, spent an hour, made appointment for the tech to come out and make sure the damned retrofitted phone jack actually works. Changed the catbox. Unpacked and stowed the blanket tote. Righted the skewed vanity. Unpacked partials of boxes (bathroom, bookcase). Sorted laundry. Forgot to go get prescription.

Rook decided to go swimming without permission. Shane came out, he feels it's ok, but we have to be out with her until she learns to wait. Somehow I felt he was saying I was negligent, which he couldn't be since he's put her out alone more oft than I. I started sorting computer files for a c-drive-redo. In the middle.... I put the dishes away, as asked, while he washed and put his dinner in the oven. Later, I took it out again. I took the 35lb bag of dogfood and stowed it in the trunk (yay gas mileage!) since it doesn't fit in her food box. Went back to prep another disk.

Had to take Rook to potty, can't be alone now you see, and Shane was reading. Temper cries at the door now, since she can't see through it. It really pushes Shane's buttons; he's been commenting as to maybe having to get rid of her. I'll be devastated. Everyone's stressed.

This is going to be hard to adjust to. I think I made the wrong decision. I wish I hadn't been scared of the thug neighbor and the very dirty, unsafe feeling, neighborhood. Too late.


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