16hrs + headache * liter of coffee =

No really, I went to bed last night on 500mg tylenol and a glass of wine to try to zonk out with a throbbing in my forebrain. It worked, but when I woke up it was still there and angry. I forgot my belt, my chapstick, couldn't find my sunglasses, tried to fall down twice (poor balance and a cat NAMED Shmoosh), and a few minutes late. Hubby was kind, scratch, awesome enough to come from his overnight to bring me the mini coffee maker. He even braved Walmart (which he hates) to pick up cream, sugar, and a bonus prize (Choco Tacoooooo!) I am way spoiled.

1000mg Tylenol and 1.5cups of coffee later, it's still there but only throbs when blood is forced into my skull (bend over, sneeze, etc). I think I'll make it.

Had a woman call to complain that we gave her nurse a 'hard time' at the gate. Our job is to screen people, derp, but since I didn't do the giving I passed it to the other gate, whooo happens to be the Captain of the site. Cpt calls me back to give me the low-down: A nurse came to the gate with no idea where she was going. She didn't know the resident's name, address, nothing. It took Cpt a couple minutes to dig through the nurse's paperwork to find a clue where she was going, and get her in. She complained to the resident. When I relayed it to Cpt, Cpt called her, resident promptly claimed she 'never said we gave her a hard time'. Two, two people trying to cover their bums because they are unable to own up to something. I thought we were grown ups here?

Worried today: Cousin-in-law Mary told me Granma & Granpa had to be evac'd due to a fire in Nutrioso! Fb digging revealed they'd started to pack up importants. Email from Mom says they're fine, with some of their importance. Status of cabin unknown. :( Praying and worrying.

Had a guy tell me that if I got my pants fitted and hiked em up a little I might get more tips. (Blink blink). I miss my 9mm.


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