Paradise Lost- John Milton. 4/5.

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It took me a short while to hurdle the dialect, but it was worth it. A vivid telling of Genesis, partially from Satan's view. I sometimes got a little lost in Milton's often parallels to myths I've never read (probably common knowledge at the time the non-rhyming long verse was written). I think my favorite part was the naming of Satan's minions, assigning them each a worshipped god of mythology. Pretty much tickled pink by that for some reason.

Enjoyed seeing Satan's viewpoint of Hell and Chaos. Heard some quotes I knew well but not where from, 'abashed the Devil stood...'. One thing... the son of God is born in Heaven before God creates Man... Maybe I misunderstand the Bibble but I don't recall that being so. A little polytheistic, don'tcha think?


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