On Moving...

Haven't updated in a while, school and moving you know.

Did I mention I got A's in both my classes? I should have.

At work, and it's going as usual:
Want to punch some of these people in the face. Bleach blonde b***h in a Bentley insists she's on the list and eeeeveryone knows her. She's on the list all right, as 'No entry unless resident confirms.' Ex wife.

Also, (from my FB), I spend a lot of my day smiling around wanting to poke holes in peoples' tires. Just had one who forgot her ID (doesn't know the code for the apt she stays in, since she's not -actually- the resident there) and, of course, spouts off about how I'm the 'only one who gives her this problem'. I ran her plate thru the system as a roundabout way of getting her in (a favor she would never know nor admit, since I could antagonize her further, so says SOP). While I did so, back turned and all, she continued on about me 'then wantin to drive around and wave and smile and shit, like you not a...' and it continued. So, finding she most likely was who she said she was I turned around, gave her a huge smile, a girlish head tilt and and bob, and wished her a woooonderful day.

Moving has been fun. Enslaved brother-in-law and his stronger-than-she-looks fiance to huck boxes for a couple days. Had a great time over Bezzerwizzer in the evenings.

This is a reply to someone asking how its been going, and I think it sums it pretty well.
Yesterday was odds 'n ends. Won't get to move the last of the 'last minute junk' boxes til Monday, since we both work like dogs over the weekend. Most of the hands and knees scrubbing is done, the carpets, spider armageddon(sp?). I kept most of them alive around the doorframes since none of the portals actually sealed to the outside; obese happy spiders until yesterday. This will be the cleanest home any tenant ever returns to her, should she continue to play landlady. She made vague noises of keeping our security if the place wasn't 'clean'. We clean all our residences this way, but I'm growly towards her anyway. No WAY she's keeping 1200$ just cause she thinks it isn't clean enough. I have photos, half a gig of them. Rawr.

We've eaten like awful pigs this week; partially from feeding the slaves, and partially from not having stocked the fridge due to the move. Sweet Tomatoes for us, Cici's, King Buffet (shown), Tokyo Saigon, oven pizza, beer, wine, chips... all with no time for the gym. Eek! I've kept decent track and am starting to repair today with a deficit. If I didn't overshoot cals burned (used CardioTrainer/Spark) then it should only take a couple days to balance out. Will be nice to get back on the elliptical and run.

Still more scrubbing, more moving, and of course All the unpacking, to go.

PS: we spent about an hour in the pool with Rook on the second day. I may get brown this year. :)


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