110208 Spark PT and so much homework.

I took the day off.
Off of homework, the gym, pretty much everything.

I started my day trying to pack in EVERYTHING I feel I don't get to complete: I ran a load of laundry, put away the previous load, hung the load once it was washed. I finished our taxes (my old W2 finally arrived!) and had to print it (e-file not avail to us.) I prepared the Faerie Kougra to be shipped to Alaska, as someone bought it. I honestly hoped no one would... I filled out the affidavit to claim the elliptical machine I won. I did this all before breakfast or a shower.

After that was done we lazed around a tad, hit the UPS to drop off all the above to be mailed, then took Rook to the Dog Park. She's been kind of stiffed lately, between rainy or overcast days and the business of her humans. We ran her, let her run off the other dogs, and in the end had to protect her poor pretty tail from a big Husky Wolf mix who felt the need to dominate the only dog near his size. Don't worry, she's never been mounted and I plan to keep it that way.

We planned on the gym, but never went. After we brought Rook home we sat around a bit, I dropped myself into internet oblivion. I actually logged onto WoW! Shane did the same, getting his PVP fix, and I did my SW dailies and actually ventured out of the city! I Arche'd enough to finish my Raptor Mount and Dwarven Gnome Bot! I did it around some web 'dailies' I do when I remember: a few contest pages and free sample site I poke into. Hell why not, it won me an Elliptical machine :P

Someone invited me to a Spark Group of theirs, 'Quickfire'. I'm in one like it, encouraging a person to do a ten minute cardio video 5 days a week. I like it because it's a small amount of time, which seems very doable. (This is the same as the FlyLady theme... "15 minute declutters..." I wonder if there's something to that. Hehe maybe it just shows I cannot commit to anything longer!) Anyway, the Quickfire team will post an exercise each day that can be done anywhere, though you may look silly Shadow Boxing in the grocery store. Do 3/10, and they challenge you do to 100 total by the end of the day. So, every 2 hours or so, take a breather break and do the leg lifts, or whatever. I dig it. I'm at 3x3/10 on the Boxer so far today. :) I like it, so I joined up. It made me realize I still haven't read the book... so I checked my local library now that I have a card and they have it! Placed it on hold.

I knew I'd have to pay for the laziness of the day, but I'm happy with it.


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