110205 ''I'm not on the list?', it's my mom!'

'What do you mean 'I'm not on the list', it's my mom!'
'I apologize, but since it's your mom you don't want us to just let anybody in.'
'It's my mom!'
'I'm sorry; I have no way to prove that and you have a different last name.' *Please note being related does NOT get you through the gate.
'You're the only one who gives me this problem (*OH I love that line.) Everybody knows me! (*If it's the first time I've seen you, why would I?) It's my MOM! I came out of her vagina!'

That last line's unique so I had to share. I wonder what past of 'vagina' she thought was going to get her access? Mouthy black girl tryin to intimidate the little white rent-a-cop maybe? Takes waaay more than that to shock me. Or maybe just ignorant indignation at someone trying to do their job and protect her mother? The silliest part is the parting shot was given AFTER her mother finally called and asked she be put on the list (for 3months). Sigh.

I don't like the new guy. Showed up 10min late without his workshirt on. Mosied his stuff into the booth. 'Your'e late' 'I was right on time, just went to the wrong gate.' 'On time is still late, specially when you have to come all the way here. Oh and the SOP says to come Ready for work. Be dressed next time.'



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