Reasons I despise today's early-20-somethings.

Tuesdays I am forced into the middle today today's American University Culture, and I despise it. Half of them have a Starbucks coffee, playing bad music on their media phone (on speakerphone, so everyone can see how Hip they are), and others ride their bikes and boards through the breezeway (clearly marked Walk Only).


-Someone honked at me as I slowed down to take the very tight turn onto the one lane street where my Parking Garage is. Bad move on their part: there's no way to move around me so I slowed to a horrifying crawl. I then even Sharked a parking space, just to make them wait longer.

-Walking on the 2-person sidewalk on the righthand side (walk like you drive...) two persons walking abreast toward me, the one in my path is the male. Chivalry, decency, common courtsey, aaall dictate the male should have made way for me, the smaller female hugging the very edge of the sidewalk to begin with. Instead, deep in important conversation with the female he hoped to bone later, he simply continues forward and almost shoves me off onto the grass. Seriously? -.-

-Walking to the building, which is a no-smoking area btw, a young woman in a white belted mini-dress (mid thigh hem) stands smoking, with her right leg up on a bench, clearly showing she wore no shorts beneath her dress (which MIGHT have allowed her to stand thusly and not seem a total indecent whore.) Really?? Between this and Husband's recent tale of a woman regaling the study-hall with her random sex in a bathroom, with a stranger, at a party, and pouring out the details of her sex acts.. I am simply disgusted and astounded.

Is this really considered acceptable behaviour now? Is this worldwide, or just freaking Boca? Either way, I want out.


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