Halloween 2010

Managed to get the day off for Halloween, though we weren't sure if we were going to get a lot of trick or treaters, being at the end of a cul de sac. Turns out it's even worse as we don't have a street light so our street is reaaaaaally dark. AND it's a Sunday night. Our only child was early, and he was the kid from across the street. Otherwise we had 4 groups of young teens, none of them with costumes. A group of young black girls (complete with the one in tail talking on the cell phone) took HUGE handfuls of candy. I swear they got a pound of candy between them. We only bought two bags, a combined four pounds. After the last group of teens, in the dark, I closed up shop.

We head to the store and saw tons of cute princesses and pirates on the streets, just not down our dark cul de sac. Boooo. I made the door all neat and bloody and murder scene like. I tried a "Skipper, the Country Club Killer Housewife".

Today I completely forgot to eat real food and ate soooo much candy that I made myself ill! Spent the rest of the night watchin' Bones (kinda dry, I know, but it's the job I wanted to do when I was younger. Too bad I realized it required a doctorate and couldn't afford it.)

PS: A quick dish on the dishes:
Breakfast: Baked Eyes (whole eggs, baked in biscuits), and Pumpkin Pancakes (oh what a disasterous recipe THAT was.)
Lunch: Mummy Dogs and Bloody Bandages. Well, more like Anaconda-attacking-dogs and I forgot the cabbage :P
Dinner: Bloody Birdie and WHO NEEDS VEGGIES! I stuffed the hen with cranberry sauce so it would bleed when I carved it. And yes, I forgot veggies all together. We ate lots of beans to make up for it. Cocoa beans. Or candies derived from them. LOOK OVER THERE!

Happy Samhain!


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