Prince of Persia, The Musketeer

Got to see Prince of Persia tonight with Hubby for MovieNight. I really liked it. Yar, I understand it isn't quite what the gamers wanted, but Hubby played the game and said that they did right by the special effects and acrobatics.

Also watched The Musketeer. I'm not sure why they diverted from the popular (and novel appropriate) telling of how D'Artagnon meets the Three, but other bits pleased me. The rappelling sword fight though? Why not just cut his rope?? The LADDER fight.. omg.. felt so ridiculous. All in all, they seemed to just want to remake the movie for more Muske-Money. The fights were good, the intrigue poor, I'll stick with Disney's version (which is truer to the book, AND has Oliver Platt. Rawr.


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