2miles, and 3 WoW Achievements.

Started out by finishing Stormpike :) Celebrated by summoning Ivus (below). It was neat: He was up for a while minute.

(Kitty Formation!)

Accidentally got "Save the Day", a risky achievement requiring you to kill a flag carrier, IN their base, WHILE they have their own flag. I was stalking the mound to pick up the flag when it fell, when their carrier ran in. Tried to kill him, succeeded (making him the worst player ever, besides me), and it turned out they returned the flag during that whole mess. Holy cow :) I think we still lost.

Aaaaand hadn't done this yet, so did it in conjunction with trying to finish out my Lower City rep. I'm really running out of things to do: I still need Nefarion and C'thun from Classic, but we can't 4-5 man those and trying to get a run is like trying to survive on just your spit in the desert.

Hate when Hubby's at Drill. I'm bored, the dog's bored (and needy and obnoxious, yet somehow still cute).

I ran 2 miles on the treadmill, and have wisdom to share: an entire 840 calorie bag of cheddar Goldfish crackers is NOT a healthy dinner to have before you run :D


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