Society for Creative Anachronism accidently meets Farmville...

So, a weird thing happened. Yes, I'm playing Farmville, I tried, I really did. Anyway, I'm not all into the huge home building etc (unless I find some of those castles..) so I carved myself out a tiny camp in the middle. I surrounded it with the French vined walls (available yesterday), cornered the little farmer in with the well, churn, barrel, and rest tent they start you out with. I had purchased Quilts from the European thing (I like quilts) and today they re-released Southwestern stuff, and I scooped up Hanging Garlic (on a neat crescent moon pole) and a dutch oven over a firepit. Then it hit me.. I had somehow managed to make my little farm-home look like CAMP. (For you mundanes, Camp is the generic SCA term for "that place you chucked all your gear when you put up your quasi-period-probably-a-canvas-car-cover tent". O_O
Well, at least I seem to have built myself Camp Kitchen :D YUM!


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