Saved 3k gallons, and Garden Sprouts!

Water bill came in. My new miserliness dropped water usage from 6000 gallons to 3000 gallons, and from $19.47 to $13.45. *It's not about the money paid, it's the gallons saved :)


 I want so badly to post every day the growth I see in the garden. Is it weird that it makes me so excited? Both of my Cucumber and Winter Squash seeds sprouted (I sowed two per hole), so I'll have to thin them. I'm only moving them a little though, I'd love to have WAY too many squash and cucumbers. My celery, chives, and cabbage haven't spouted, and I'm a little worried since everything else did. I'm thinking about seeding them inside this week and just transplanting whatever grows. I got my broccoli in the mail, and thus in the ground. I also got my carrots in the mail, but haven't made the tote up yet. I'm going to just turn the tote into a garden for them, since the Square Foot plot in the back wouldn't be deep enough. Supposedly I can do potatoes this way too, but we shall see. I'd love to just start planting EVERYTHING, but I need to make sure I can take care of this harvest first! So far, so good.


I need to get the trellis up, and sooner than I thought. The cucumber/squash are getting tall FAST. I read they should start being trained to trellis at around 6". It will be a little longer than that, as they're in the middle of the square foot and probably wouldn't do it any good to bend it back that far yet. The netting that arrived isn't the netting I thought it was, but I'll make due :) Should work for the plant and just be hard to clear it off when the plant is done. Course, I'm not sure how THAT all works yet either.


My workweek is now 40 hours, all from Dusk til Dawn V^^^V. With the class being at night too, I'm simply training to be nocturnal. So far I'm only a little tired, but adjusting.


My Half-Marathon training is, going. I basically skipped a whole week. Between digging up the whole garden (ooh.. my back...) and throwing myself into driving 12-hours a day for those 3 days straight (hisss... my ankle!) I was just sore and petulant. I ran 4.5 last week though, and knocked out an EASY 3 miles today :) So I must still be progressing. Disney Princess Half Marathon.. I'll run you yet!


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