090827 Temper (New Kitty)

Just a quick update; I know I haven't been in to tag/organize the posts I've put up recently.. school has been really taking up my time :)

Yesterday Hubby and I went down to the PetSmart to check out the Kitties. We keep going, falling for one, saying we'll go back the next day without Rook (since usually when we go to the PetSmart we bring the obnoxious monster so she can spaz out.. a real treat for her.) The twice we did that we didn't go back *It's ok, I know both Mozart and Bridghid found good homes.*

Last night we went, and surprisingly, both of the kitties we really liked were Torties. One, a regular Tortie, she was blackish with orangey marks, and the other was a weird grey with orangey marks. I've never seen a Tortie that was grey. Listed as a "Diluted Tortie" which, though I haven't looked yet, I'm pretty sure means "Mutt, with Tortie markings" :P

She's a sweetie, born in March. Came spayed, with all her shots good through 2012 (mostly). Microchipped, Rabies, got all her claws. Her eyes are really pretty too: a vivid grass green ring centered on pumpkin orange irises. Such a pretty kitty. She kisses, paws (a lil clawing when nervous or excited), and nibbles, but my lil hisses of pain are teaching her to retract the viscious needle fangs of kittenhood :D

Anyway.. Just wanted to announce that the WeyrCat finally got herself a kitteh!!


~WeyrCat's Treo


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