090808 WackenBloggin: 12 hours of omg-why...

It seemed like it would be a generally quiet day. I'm so tired as I type this, on my last break, so pardon.

First there was the SSgt who made his first appearance on the other side of the concrete barrier (having been turned around) while I was in the Pit with Masse. He stopped, acted like he wanted to turn around at the House *main guardshack* but we always direct them to keep going because usually they need to be processed. He hits the gas and burns down the freeway. completely missing the proper entrance and assumingly went all the way down to the dirt road turn around before finally coming back up to us. He waits in Masse's lane, then, impatient, crawls over to my (center) lane. He has to wait til I'm done with the car I'm currently processing. Then, geared for an angry person, direct his SUV to pull forward he does, jumping out of his vehicle almost immediately with two IDs in his hand. He starts ranting in a loud voice about the guy in the back seat having no ID, and being treated poorly, and this and that. Trying to solve his problem for him I let him know that someone has to retrie
ve the soldier's ID from on post and bring it back to him; otherwise we can call the MPs to verify him. He rants about "knowing that" but wanting to talk to my "supervisor". He was (language cleaned up for the kiddies) treated badly by a the loudmouth short black jerk in the lane that turned him around. Disbelieving, as the short black man in the lane is a very quiet and subdued person, I try again to let him know where he can lodge a complaint. No no, he's not driving anywhere, he wants to talk to someone NOW. Logic evading him as he misses everything I tell him, he continues to raise his voice at me until I put my hands on my hips, incline my head in what I now think is a rather "scolding mother" stance, and TOLD SSgt Jerface-just-escorting-a-soldier-I-want-to-vouch-for-though-its-against-SOP that he needed to LOWER his VOICE, and STOP being BELLIGERANT because it was getting him NOWHERE. He thought he could yell back at me about 'where's my supoervisor'. I informed him that they w
ere changing the shifts right now and couldn't help him, but I would be MORE than happy t... "You're telling me there's no one here in charge of you people?" Now, while we COULD function without a Sgt, we do happen to have TWO at the moment, so in the end of all things I told him I'd be very happy to defer him to my Sgt if he would just BE QUIET. ... He closed his back door, and gave me what I'm sure is what he thinks a very complacent, and yet shit eating, grin. "Thank you" I said as I walked his IDs to the guard shack. I informed Sgt what was goin on and he said "Sure, park him up here: I''ll just turn him around." And I did. And he did. After he sat up there and tried to yell at my Sgt. Look asshats of the world: I'm doin my job. We're all doin our jobs. Just cause you're a moron and can't pay attention to what's going on doesn't give you the right to come down and harrass me!

OI. It took a lil while to calm down over that one.

I stood in the Mil-ID lane as a car stopped dead in the middle of the road a short ways from the gate. They do this, looking for IDs or wanting to back up to the processing lane. Yes, back up, on the freeway. They do it. And she did. She backed up, fishtailing slowly: confused at where to go. She finally backed the end of her car into the entrance of the Processing Canopy. And sat there. Cars couldn't get in, so they tried to go around her (apparently she was half on the curb too.) The Sgt walked down there and booted her out, so she could come to my lane and ask (in very bad Engrish btw) "I can turn round now?" Oh dear lord. I led her, carefully, to the turn around and watched a little fearfully as she attempted to drive. Oi.

I've only seen 3 Army Spouses cheating on their husband come through the gate. Nice low number tonight. The first was Mrs Kemp, who actually refused to look at me as I studied the IDs and realized that her spouse card (which lists the Sponsor=husband's name) was accompied by a male civilian who's name did NOT match the previously mentioned sponsor. Oh, Mrs Kemp.

Other than that, I'm tired. Hungry. Dirty. And have to work again tomorrow, of course.

OH OH, we had a new Whale Award. Yesterday I had a WF come through with a card reading 370lbs, beating out my previous sighting at 330. Mr Neely reported a 425 WF which I'm hoping to verify with my own eyes.

Hmm what else, starting school on the 17th. Looks like my plans to get into the RN program have been backed up and need retooled. Looks like 3 years to get it now instead of 2. Oi, gets farther away all the time. At this rate, I'll never get it.

Alright, time to go. Bai Bai.

~WeyrCat's Treo


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