09May29 WSI 12 Hours at Yadkin.

The Wonderful Thought for the Day:
Last night it stormed, so this morning as I'm walking the dog I take a deep breath and revel in how even two hours from the ocean, the air can smell so much like the beach. <3

So this car comes through my gate today, young man and woman. I get the soldier's ID card only. I automatically ask the young girl how old she is (I ask everyone who doesn't have one.) She looks slightly worried, and says 17. I tell her that everyone 17 and over is required to have an ID to enter Post. She tells me she has one, but its in her car at his Barracks. I do my thing and they turn off post to dump her out so he can go retrieve her ID. It hit me about 3 minutes later... She's 17. What the FUDGE is her ID card doing in her car, at his barracks As my Cabbie said when he came through "Well they ain't watching Spongebob." I wanted them to come back through my lane, as if by her ID card I could know who her sponsor was, and tell him where she'd been. I couldn't, and obviously it's none of my business, but it just drives me a little nuts. He's a soldier, making him at least 18. I just, ugh! Not that I'm some Queen of Morals, but come ON! A 17 year old girl, in your barracks? Oh,
cause HE'S going to have morals right? Why do I expect them to? Hell, its none of my BUSINESS. Sigh. It still bothers me. Mainly cause if it was my daughter, and I found out about it, she'd be black and blue, unable to walk out the house; and Uncle Sam would be wondering why their soldier went AWOL all the sudden.

I feel like overall I did very well today, in regards to my recent down in the pit depression. I only once had to try to remind myself that something wasn't worth bothering me (when a car that was turning around in the other lane decided to be 'funny' and throw a rubber ball at me.) Even the really talkative guy (you know, the guy you work with who does everything better than you, but seems to have to convince himself by constantly talking about how awesome he is and belittling the way YOU play Sudoku because he can solve them SO MUCH FASTER!!) He didn't bother me so much. Hmmph, if it takes me 30 minutes to complete a Sudoku and it takes you 10, all that means is that I'm bored for 20 less minutes :D

I was pretty happy with the day. I went home, and Hubby and I both exhausted, fell asleep in minutes.

Good day was good.


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