090303 Fencing

"As I am 2000 miles from my Barony, on a wicked work schedule that prevents me from attending Sunday practice in Attillium, // Atlantia, I have signed up for a Fencing Class (through All American Fencing). This allows me to peck a bit, and learn some skills that can only improve my Rapier!"

This is being uploaded late, as currently our net seems to shut off every night around 10pm.

I finally attended my first fencing class at AA Fencing tonight. I'd been rather avoiding it (though seemingly not a purpose..) Maybe as I'm so terrible at Rapier with my left that if I'm armed I'll tend to just take the death. I went, and as I slowly regain feeling in my thumb (from the pistol grip) I am so happy I went. They wanted to bump me up to the Intermediate seeing as I already know basic footwork (most of the beginner class) but I got up to do some with the three gentlemen comprising today's beginner class, and we all progressed about the same speed, picking it all up in stride (ahyuk). Gerhart (sp?) says he's willing to throw Intermediate stuff at us next week just because we're snagging the basics so easily. I suppose it helps that on average we were all at least 8-12 years older than the udual Beginners. Myself (SCAdian Rapier..), a Soldier (his bag had NOS (workout supplement) and ACUs in it, so that makes it at least 2pts less you average Army waste of space, and a skinny kid about 18 with his chunky monkey gf watching. My quads (specifically my right leg (back foot)) and left arm got a great workout. I'm pretty sure the pocket of my left shoulder is bruised (yay!!). I ended up across from Gerhart most of the session, which I like. Being the one receiving the knee tap with the sword when your leg is canted instead of straight lets me know to ffix it, a tiiiiny bit of personal instruction. (What is it with me seeking the White Scarves as teachers / sparring partners?)

All in all, great night. Will practice, and remember breastplate next time (eeeep so close to the mammary glands! I was scared to cry out like a.. well like a girl, if he were to hit it!)

OK. Time for bed.

En Guarde: shoulder width, feet perpendicular, forward toe straight. WATCH sword canting!!
Extend: DON'T ROTATE!! You do not need that extra half inch (unlearning what I was taught for Rapier). Do not lean in!
Advance: Toe step, back foot forward, watch spacing.
Lunge: Bell towards outside of body, sword bending upward. Dont roll back foot! Knee over foot, straight ahead.
Recover: sword back, then toe up and push self backwards with heel of forefoot into En Guard.
Retreat: Heel up, back step, forefoot follows.
Recover immediately! Dont wait for their "turn". Make sure the tip is leading you! Can be difference between a point when both opponents feet move at same time!!

Now, absorb, practice, remember, translate to right hand when it can hold a sword again.


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