Sleepy wife is...

My Hubby's in WLC for two weeks, so I think I'm gonna shack up with this guy. He's totally Stacked!! Oops! MT! >^..^<

OLD!!! Gym:
-Curls (5lb, 2/10), 10lb 4/10.
-Reverse curls, 10lb 4/10. These hurt like they shouldn't. Especially when first two sets are with barbell weights instead of dumbbells
-Cable Bicep Curl, 20lb (=5lb resist) 3/10.
-One-arm preacher curl, 10lb 4/10

4m 39:18 ow.

Still need to buy: Girly Lifting Gloves. I want tone, not callouses.

>>>>>>This was the last RUN I did before I broke my hand and was told I couldn't run for a while. It's also how I usually send my posts to my Blog (the one at Blogger, used to be a seperate blog called RunnerKitty. Now, i'm not sure how I'll work it. I like the All-Encompassingness that is the RW (omg I can't find another site that will let me be as specific as I wants with the Strength Training like I can here. I'm not Swarzenegger or anything, but hey, I'm proud of what I DO do.)

I wish I could email into RW Blogs, that's how I get to post my others! I don't have a lot of time to sit at the computer and do stuff now adays. I have school, a demanding work schedule, a husband (and now a house to take care of WEE!) Besides barely getting to DO the gym or Run anymore (I want to try to squeeze in a run tomorrow, probably not the 4miler I wanted to do, to jump back in where I left off...)

I'm amazed that I HAD run 4m, which is strange because the thing that gave me motivation to run before was running that odd 40min-4miler on the treadmill when I wasn't paying attention. Sure, 10min mi might not be hot stuff in the RunnerWorld, but it seems to keep me from killing myself (which wouldn't gain me very many miles at all!)

Ok, now I'm rambling. I haven't slept in the last few days, Hubby's in the field and it disrupts the catnaps.

WAS having suicidal thoughts about waking up and hopping into that 5k down in Fay, but, I was half way through my second beer (all i can tolerate btw :P) haven't eaten or had water since about 8p, and it was 1am when I was looking at it. I'd have had to pour the beer, pound some water, stuff a sandwich in, and think that after 2 nights of 4 hour catnaps, and 5 hours tonight, I could wake up early enough to make it to the run and then SURVIVE it? HA.

So, to bed I go, then wake to errands (someone bought that Strumstick, Yay!) Need to find something to keep me awake on tomorrow night's midnight-shift 12 hour. It's going to be murder :(


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