(X) CRY!

Check it out.. I have this insane project for Folklore class (college is fun) where I have to collect 5 folklore items (proverbs, legends, myths, etc) from an actual folk group, but I'm in the middle of LODI CALIFORNIA, where the closest you get to folk group is the local winery. The best I can come up with is the faerie stories my mom told me when I was little, but I'm not even sure what genre most of them go into, and I need at least 3 different genres!
Also: my laptop (my main computer) has been on the fritz for 3 months, when they finally take it to get fixed (and we kick butt just so I can get loaner) I find that the loaner has some issues with staying online easily (it hates my msn) but the programs run great. So i can play Hannah again, but I can't always send my score.
The computer George (my fiance) set up so I could still work (before I go tmy loaner) had all my work on it (website, neopets stuff, everythign) and then THAT went on the fritz, so all my cruds backed up on his and I can't get to it very easily.
I've been in a funky malaise and with all this junk goin on I haven't made a dent in either my project, the something special Firebabe asked me to do, the graphic Bella asked me to do, or the lookup that Rockstar asked me to do. I haven't even dented MY OWN lookup. I haven't cracked down on working on my website even though I took down my index to put some pressure like a deadline. Sigh.
Maybe I'm jsut depressed, but its driving me nuts. Just needed to vent here a bit heh.


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