Highland Park Earth Day

Jason and I had a lovely time at Highland Park's Earth Day celebration at the Eugene Young Environmental Center. It was so nice to have a warm, spring day so we could there!

The town turned one of the one-way roads into a Bike Only road that lead to the Center. There, a folk band played while family's nibbled cookies from the Global Grace Cafe in the local  Reformed Church of Highland Park. Students from local schools showed off projects focusing on reducing waste and water use. One table showed off how beehives work and another featured arts and crafts with the local Girl Scout troop. Sustainable Highland Park was there with information about the town, and the Native Plant Society of New Jersey handed out free native shrubs and a cool Tree Walk sheet. I became an honorary member of a semi-local 4H club focusing on the environment, and pledged to call my local commissioner about the Northeast Supply Enhancement Project (pipeline) that threatens the Raritan Bay.

Jason discovered an interest in turtles, and joined me on a little trail walk around the Native Plant Reserve. We had a lovely time and met lots of interesting people! 


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