2004-2014 Goals

I found a "Goals" page from New Years 2004. As I write this, that day was ten years, four months, and 26 days ago. It's interesting to see how goals change over time. Or, in this case, how they don't.

My goals in life (circa Jan01-2004):

Get a Biology degree.
Get a teaching degree (post-secondary).
Learn to fire a handgun.
Get back into shape. Running, hang, crunches.
Spend some weekends with friends.
Sleep a regular schedule.

In May 2014 I graduate with a Bachelors of Science in Biology Education: a teaching degree specializing in Biology. Check. 

In 2007 I did relearn how to fire a handgun.  Check.

I am running again. In fact, a couple years ago I ran an 8 mile (plus obstacles) course called the Super Spartan. I run 2-3 times a week, and my average is 3 miles. I'm slowing getting farther and faster. Check.

Weekends I spend either at home with my husband (whom I had not met at the time of the original goal-posting) or volunteering! We do go out with friends now and again. Check.

Sleeping a regular schedule is something I never really managed to do. I suppose I could have, if I made it a priority. I sleep a semi-regular schedule that depends on how busy I am! Check.

I definitely smile. My achievements make me smile. My classes make me smile. My husband makes me smile. I smile!  Check.

SO. I call that list a success. But achieving goals should lead to knew goals that build on top of them. I just had my 31st birthday, and graduate in 4 days. Probably a good time to make some new goals!

  • Constantly increase my max running distance. 
    • Run a 10k.
    • Run a 10 miler.
    • Run a 13.1 half marathon (you get the picture). 
  • Get my masters in environmental science. (I am enrolled!)
  • Explore another country.

There. A relatively short, middling, and long term goal, each. Now. I'll check back in ten years, four months, and 26 days to see how I did!


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