UnOfficial SparkPeople Winter Walk Challenge 100,000 Step Challenge

Hey FitBit Users (and other Pedometer Users)!
(TLDR? Link to badges at the bottom!)

Now that we, in the Northern Hemisphere, are getting a little squishy with warm comfort food and hiding from cooler temperatures, I think some of us are finding it harder and harder to get out the door for that walk. Well guess what? I will if you will! (For those of you in the Southern Hemisphere, consider this a Better Bikini Body walk!)

For the month of December I'm challenging you to 100,000 STEPS!
Sometimes I'm lucky if I get 2,000 steps a day, and all of those are between classes! It's going to take a little work to get to 100,000 steps, but think of all the eggnog that burns off! (wink)

For those of you who already knock out 100,000 a month, I challenge you to set a numeric goal just a little bit farther out. Walk 100,000? Set a goal for 125,000 or 150,000! Don't think you could fit in 100,000 steps? Choose something lower and see how fast you fly past it! Post your goals in the thread (if you like), and then check back with us every so often and let us know how you are doing!

For instance.
If I have my FitBit synced to my SparkPeople, I can go to my SP Step tracking page (at the link above). It shows me By Day as the default option. Select "Month" and see the column for December (when you have taken at least one step in that month). Each time I check in I'm going to report my goal as x /100,000.
So, by November 15, I should have around 50,345 /100,000 Steps!

You can also report your steps as a percentage! 50.3%! (It's just how many steps you've taken, divided by how many steps to meet your goal, times "100". Don't forget the percent sign!)

Everyone who completes 100,000 Steps gets to post the nifty Badge on their SparkPage, personal blog, download it to your scrapbook, or anything you like! As an incentive for those Many-Stepping folks; I have badges with step counts above 100,000 in increments of 50,000! Meaning if someone decides to make a goal for 400,000 and accomplishes it, you get a 400,000 step badge!

I'm so sure that everyone here can complete this challenge. I'm extra sure that it's going to be so very fun getting to see you all achieve your goals!

SO Here's Mine!

I, WeyrCat, will walk 250,000 Steps for the SparkPeople Unofficial Winter Walk Challenge!! If I accomplish my goal, I will add another 50,000 on EACH TIME and then strive to accomplish that too!

You can find all the badges from 100,000 to 1,000,000 hosted at Flickr, with instruction on how to download them and upload them to your SparkPage!


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