UnOfficial SparkPeople Turkey Track 100,000 Step Challenge (FitBit)

Thank you EVERYONE for making this SparkChallenge AMAZING and motivating!
I made the badges in increments of 50,000 steps. If for some reason I don't have one high enough for you (GO YOU) please leave me a comment or SparkMail me and I will get one to you in a jiffy!


UnOfficial SparkPeople Turkey Track 100,000 Step Challenge (FitBit)

Individual Badges in 50,000 increments:
(They are all the same size as the one above, but I'm displaying them smaller to save the scrolling power!
To save them for yourself and to upload to your SparkPage, right-click the image you want and click "Save As". It might have some weird long name, so rename it something like "Turkey Badge.jpg" and save it somewhere you can find it, like your desktop. They upload it to your Sparkpage like you would a photo. (On your Sparkpage click "Edit my sparkpage" in the upper right, then "Edit my Photo Gallery" in the same place, then "Upload Photo"!)

Sorry that I can't make them TextLinks, Blogger is being weird about it!


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